Sailing Through Benesse's Naoshima Legacy: The Art Archipelago
In the gentle embrace of Japan's Seto Inland Sea, the Benesse Art Site Naoshima weaves contemporary art, architectural brilliance, and natural beauty into a harmonious tapestry. Born from the creative partnership of Benesse Holdings, Inc. and the Fukutake Foundation, this enchanting enclave transforms islands into a haven where art dances with local communities, casting a spell of holistic well-being.
(C)Hiroshi Sugimoto"Time Exposed"
Photo: Shigeo Anzai

The Twist of Innovation: Kistefos Museum's Architectural Masterpiece
Step into the enchanting world of Kistefos Museum, where art, history, and architecture intertwine like a mesmerizing dance. With "The Twist" as its centerpiece and a sculpture park that evolves with the seasons, Kistefos is a must-visit cultural treasure in Norway.
Join us as we explore this extraordinary fusion of creativity and heritage.
Pic by Robin Hayes

The Visionary: Peggy Guggenheim's Artistic Grandeur in Venice
Explore the artistic legacy of Peggy Guggenheim at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice. Housed in the majestic Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, this museum showcases 20th-century masterpieces and offers a tranquil sculpture garden.
A must-visit for art enthusiasts in Venice.

Beyond Preservation: Fondazione Prada's Milan Marvel
In Milan's vibrant core, Fondazione Prada exemplifies the fusion of art and architecture.
Within a historic industrial complex from the early 20th century, this institution redefines conventions with innovative design and diverse art.
Join us on a journey through Fondazione Prada—a realm where past and present unite, and creativity knows no limits.
Pic by FONDAZIONE PRADA Milan venue Architectural project by OMA - Photo: Alessandro Saletta and Agnese Bedini -DSL Studio - Instagram and social: @alessandrosaletta -@agnesebedini -@dsl__studio - 2020 -Courtesy Fondazione Prada